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Diabetes Health in the News: Weight Loss Best Reduces Glucose & Fasting Insulin

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A recent study published in Diabetes Care found that obese patients who lost the greatest amount of weight after bariatric surgery experienced the highest reductions in fasting glucose and insulin resistance. The amount of weight lost had a greater impact on reducing these markers than the type of surgery.

Researchers at Sweden’s University of Gothenburg completed this new study by comparing the weight change effects of gastric bypass versus two other procedures on changes in insulin resistance, insulin, and fasting glucose. Nearly 1,800 patients participated in the study, and it was found that weight loss of more than 30% was more common with the gastric bypass group versus the other two methods. However, the association between weight loss and insulin, glucose, and insulin resistance did not differ between the surgery groups.

These findings were published in Diabetes Care on December 17, 2015.

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