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AskNadia: Struggling With Type 2 Diabetes and My A1C

Dear Nadia,

I am struggling with type 2 diabetes and a high A1C.


Eliza H

P.S. I appreciate all that you share with us.


Dear Eliza,

Managing Type 2 diabetes can be an overwhelming task. If you are struggling with high blood sugars and getting your A1C in check, it could be that you are feeling discouraged, impatient, depressed or feeling alone.


Being Discouraged and Impatient

It’ easy to get into a rut when you have diabetes. High blood sugars can be frustrating when your efforts don’t yield you the results you are looking for. The question is how do you climb out of it?

My first piece of advice; don’t be too hard on yourself. See your blood sugar numbers as feedback that you are fine tuning and trying to figure out. Make it less personal by thinking of analogies that allow you to be more forgiving with yourself and allowing you to keep trying until you get to your desired A1C.


My Baby Analogy

When a baby makes an effort, to walk, they fall a lot. We don’t watch them and judge them by saying forget it; you will never walk, why keep trying?


Fortunately the baby’s desire to walk is not subject to a “good or bad” opinion of their efforts. Which is why they will keep trying to get up until they can do it by themselves.


As observers, we have the wisdom and trust that a baby’s desire to walk will override their failing efforts. We don’t look at a baby and say; they are never going to get it. Why? Because we have enough empirical evidence knowing that all babies do walk; assuming they don’t have an undiagnosed physical disability that prevents from doing so.


Regarding your diabetes, remember change does not happen overnight. The important thing is not to judge yourself, feel hopeless or give up. Think of my baby analogy or some other metaphor that will help you be more patient and encourage you to keep trying different things until you find the right formula with the A1C you desire.


Feeling Depressed


There is a link between diabetes and depression and a theory that depression can cause diabetes or diabetes can cause depression.


The NIH reports that “Studies have shown that people with diabetes and depression have more severe diabetes symptoms than people who have diabetes alone.”


My mother was a type 2 that suffered from depression. I did not realize it until she took a diabetes class with an educator friend who called me to tell me that my mother was clearly clinically depressed.


This explained her lack of motivation to take care of her diabetes. Biochemically she had a bigger battle, the need to balance her dopamine (her desire to take care of her diabetes) and Serotonin (her need to stabilizes her mood ) before she could focus on having good blood sugar levels


Once I knew she was suffering from depression, I was able to help her work with her healthcare professional to find the right medication to balance her moods, so she was motivated to take better care of her diabetes.


You are Not Alone


It’s important to build a support system for yourself. My mother had me as her support system.


You need a community where you connect with other people with type 2 diabetes. A place where you can share your high moments and get support during your low points.


Twitter can be a fun place to connect with another type 2. I enjoy reading the varied diabetes comments. Nothing trumps a real comment made by a type 2 who has the courage to be transparent.


Monday’s at diabeteshealth.com I post a weekly column answering questions like yours for the diabetes community. Tuesday’s is our Type 2 diabetes article; usually written by someone with diabetes.


Connect with others through a support group and or the online community so you don’t feel alone. Diabetes Sisters is a wonderful organization that connects women in groups called pods. You can meet your next BBF there.


Give them a try and sign up for our bi-weekly e-newsletter at

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Nadia’s feedback on your question is in no way intended to initiate or replace your healthcare professionals therapy or advice. Please check in with your medical team to discuss your diabetes management concerns.

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About Nadia:
Nadia was not only born into a family with diabetes but also married into one. She was propelled at a young age into “caretaker mode,” and with her knowledge of the scarcity of resources, support, and understanding for people with diabetes, co-founded Diabetes Interview now Diabetes Health magazine.
Nadia holds 24 nominations for her work as a diabetes advocate.
Her passion for working in the diabetes community stemmed from her personal loss. She has used her experience as a caretaker to forge a career in helping others.

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