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The 2012 Diabetes Health Pharmacist/AADE Scholarship Winner

Amy Powell, the first recipient of the Diabetes Health Pharmacist and American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) scholarship, was honored at the 2012 AADE conference in Indianapolis. As the winner, her conference fees and accommodation costs were paid, and she received a one-year AADE membership.

One of 18 student applicants for the award, Amy brings a unique perspective to diabetes. She has lived with type 1 diabetes for 20 years. As she was growing up, her parents played the role of diabetes educators and helped her learn to deal with the challenges of diabetes. The first thing you notice about Amy is her positive attitude. She accepts her disease and is eager to help others navigate through the fears that attend a diagnosis.

Amy’s personal experience with diabetes has also influenced her professional work as a student pharmacist.  Clinical rotations will bring her into contact with all types of people with diabetes. Parents will especially love her upbeat manner and will want to use her as a role model for their children.

The next AADE conference will be held in the Pennsylvania Convention Center in early August. Pharmacy students are encouraged to apply next year for the Diabetes Health Pharmacist/AADE scholarship.

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