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Flashback Friday: Thankful to The Person That Put Me on The Insulin Pump

Thankful to Be Pumping Insulin

This month, our focus is on giving thanks, or at least, thinking about the good things in life. Being able to plan and eat a Thanksgiving dinner and still maintain blood glucose control is an obvious topic.

If you are an insulin pumper, there are many things for which to be thankful for. A few of which include:

Pump Options

There are at least six manufacturers of insulin pumps. You can choose the product that best matches your lifestyle and preferences.

Infusion set options

You have choices of tubing length, needle or soft-tubing insertion, perpendicular or angled insertion, insertion site disconnecting or non-disconnecting tubing. A new pump, the Omnipod, has no tubing at all.

Bells and Whistles

With an insulin pump, you can have, insulin on board data, and reminders to test blood glucose levels or change your injection site or insulin reservoir. There are also multiplebasal rate programs. None of these featureswere available 15 years ago.

Research and Development

Investigation studies and focus group feedback have helped manufacturers develop improved products to meet your needs.

Medical professionals

More physicians are prescribing pumps. Have you thanked the medical team guiding you toward better health? Who provided or directed you tothe education you needed for successfulself-management?

Support Groups

Two major Internet support groups are and Both sites offer a wealth of information and an opportunity to discuss topics with experts.

Feeling Better Living Longer

Insulin pumps allow for more precise insulin dosing for a holiday dinner.

Giving Thanks Where Thanks Is Due

Would you give up your pump? Are you satisfied with your choice of using insulin pump therapy? Have you thanked the person who helped you make that choice or who taught you to manage diabetes with your pump?

What’s the best way to say“Thank you”?

  • Just say it
  • Send a card or write a letter
  • Send flowers or a gift certificate
  • Take someone to dinner
  • Send a monetary contribution to a diabetes organization, a local pump support group, your local diabetes center, or to
  • Teach someone about insulin pump use

Do you have insulin pump supplies to donate?

Check with your local pump support group,diabetes center, or Someone might even tell you, Thank you!

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