
Insulindependence and the Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association Merge

San Diego, CA-Insulindependence has formally merged with the Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association. Both organizations have operated independently since 2005 to provide exercise-related resources for people living with diabetes. With more than 3,000 combined members, they will now become North America’s largest nonprofit public benefit organization focused on diabetes and exercise.

San Diego-based Insulindependence is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public benefit corporation. Its mission is to inspire people with diabetes to set personal fitness goals, learn diabetes management strategies, and equip them to explore their individual capacities. IN’s staff and volunteers serve thousands of US program participants annually.

Under the merger agreement DESA will transfer its business registration and marketing assets to Insulindependence. DESA’s mission and legacy programs will continue and be carried out from San Diego, through Insulindependence’s corporate headquarters.

Insulindependence is currently represented in 20 chapter cities, where volunteers are trained to lead cost-free community fitness events. They will be working to increase that number to more than 30 chapter cities in 2012 with the support from former DESA volunteers.

In addition to providing local chapter gatherings, Insulindependence will continue to offer regional and national events, youth mentor programs, scholarship awards for youth and transitioning teens, online resources, volunteer training, and more.

The Insulindependence website is located at

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