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BD Introduces Ultra-thin 27-gauge Needle

Jersey-based BD Medical, a division of  Becton, Dickinson and Company, has introduced the Hyflow™ needle, a 27-gauge thin-wall needle designed for use with the company’s prefillable syringe systems.

The company developed the ultra-thin-wall needle to deliver the increasing number of highly viscous drugs, which require more force to move than drugs with a thinner consistency. The needle’s thin wall gives it a wider hollow interior while keeping its exterior size small, thereby reducing the pressure needed to inject highly viscous drugs. This makes it a boon for patients with dexterity problems, as well as those who might otherwise be forced to use larger, more pain-inducing needles to deliver high-viscosity drugs. A hoped-for side effect is that easier, less painful administration will help patients adhere to their medication schedule.

For now, BD Medical is the only manufacturer of a 27-gauge thin-wall needle for use with prefillable syringes. The company says that the Hyflow is one of several prefilled syringe system enhancements it plans to introduce over the next 18 months.

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