
Diabetes Health in the News Podcast: Store-Bought Meals Are Healthier for Infants than Homemade


A new study regarding the health of infant meals has made a surprising discovery – homemade meals are often less healthy and more likely to lead to weight gain than store-bought options. While homemade meals tend to be more affordable to prepare, they often contain more fat and are more energy-dense.

This UK study evaluated data from 686 home-cooked and ready-made meals for kids under the age of 5. It was found that the homemade options contained 51% more energy than store-bought products and contained higher amounts of salt, protein, carbohydrates, total fat, and saturated fat. Overall, these meals were more nutritious than store-bought options, but they had more calories.

These findings were published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood on July 19, 2016.

One thought on “Diabetes Health in the News Podcast: Store-Bought Meals Are Healthier for Infants than Homemade

  • You have got to be kidding. Since when is fat bad for infants? How are they supposed to grow decent brains without fat? You think the store bought options will be served as intended? If the kid is still hungry they will just feed the child two of them. Ridiculous study.


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