Living with Type 1 Diabetes: Besides Food, What Makes You Happy?
I asked myself the same question. While I adore food (who doesn’t?!), there is more to life. Diabetes can seriously complicate our relationship with food and after a recent celiac disease diagnosis, I needed to focus on the other things in life that I love in order to remember how blessed I am. Here is my list and I encourage you to make your own.
~ My family. My nieces and nephews make me smile every single time I see them. I received a sweet note from my oldest nephew and his siblings the other day and it read “Auntie Meagan, you are our favorite person”. My heart melted on the spot and I took a picture of the note so I’ll have it forever. Kids have a way of making you feel special and somehow it lets you momentarily forget all your issues. My husband accepts all the bad things about me with the good and makes me laugh until my sides hurt on a daily basis. God bless them all.
~ My dogs. Yes, that might as well be part of answer #1. They are family. They are good for snuggling after a bad day. They are good for snuggling after a good day for that matter. They give unconditional love and I can’t imagine not coming home to my furry little best friends. If I get upset in front of my little girl dog, she gets upset and starts licking me and nudging me. Who can stay upset that way? Pets can be amazing therapy
~ My health. Before you laugh and say, “Wait…don’t you have celiac disease,
~ Hypothyroidism, and Type 1 diabetes? Why yes, I do. I do but I am grateful for the good days and I am beyond thankful to be as healthy as I can.
~ The Diabetes Community. We are so lucky to have this online miracle where we can connect and feel bonded with other people that live the same way. Even in my daily offline life, I have met so many people that say “You have diabetes? Me too”! I feel so much better knowing I am not alone and from their reactions, I’d say we all do.
~ The seasons in my home town. I live in Chicago and while I might tire of winter pretty quickly, I love the change of each season and look forward to each one with the anticipation of a child. I’m already gleeful over the approaching autumn season and the crisp cool air and change of the leaves.
~ Doctors that know what they are doing. I am a person, not just a medical chart. If you are a doctor and you listen, test everything, and actually care about me as a patient, I’m likely to stick with you forever. I hope you know how special you are to your patients. I just had my A1C blood draw and the nurse put a Disney Frozen bandage on my arm to make me smile. I’m 40 years old, but it sure did make me smile! Those kind of simple, positive, interactions with our medical team can mean the world to us.
~ My faith. I believe that I have had help along my journey. Life is hard, but I have a sense of security and comfort from knowing I am not alone. Finding your own faith can be incredibly strengthening.