In the Trenches with Dibetes Dad: Do You Doubt Your Child’s Future with T1D? Read this and Share.
Dear Parent,
My name is diabetes and you may have just met me or you may have known me for years. I am not welcome and I know that I’m not.
The young lady in the picture met me when she was two. On this day, April 5th, she turns 27, old enough to know things but still young enough to say her age without a problem (women understand this more than men). She is one of those young ladies I do not want to talk about because if you become like her, you make my life miserable. But I assure you that she will have a Happy Birthday today…..because she hates me more than I attack her. In as much as I have tried, I stop her…….from nothing.
Her name is Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn created a mantra for herself. It was not given to her by her parents, she thought of it all on her own. Kaitlyn stated, “I have diabetes, diabetes is NOT who I am.” Wow, that hurts. I like to own people. I like to make people operate under fear. I like people to doubt life, others, and their own-self. If I had a middle name my name would be Diabetes Doubt……because I love havoc based upon doubt.
Kaitlyn is one of my failure stories. She has not let diabetes stop her from anything from her days growing up, to high school, to where she is today. She danced, could ski, ran track, became a class officer, was in the prom and homecoming court, was a class officer, loved and enjoyed life and excelled in all she tried. Please do not look at Kaitlyn or listen to her. She is NOT A FRIEND to me, diabetes.
She has lectured, graduated school, taught, served as a first responder, become a nurse (in the diabetes field no less—-what a pain she is to me), and even got engaged…..diabetes does not like happiness. She travels for fun and teaches many young people how to live with me; like she has. She is so resistant to me.
Sure, every now and again I have a good day with her and make her feel bad either physically, emotionally, or both. But I need to try real hard with her because she knows too much. But if you ask her, she will tell you that she does not know enough yet and she is always trying to learn more….she is such a pain.
Her parents were like that too. They even had the nerve to say, and tell others, that education is the equalizer for me. I hate people who keep trying to learn. I like people to feel sorry for themselves. I like people to give up. I like people to just learn the bare minimum and try to ‘skate by with me’…..I have a field day with those types of people. But not like Kaitlyn, nor her family. I tried so hard that I even took residence with Kaitlyn’s younger brother……..but even then…….that family does not stop. And I try really hard to ruin their lives. And even with their ups and downs, they support each other, they have each other’s backs…….and boy I wish they would stop trying to learn more.
She has had me for 25 of her 27 years. I hate her, I hate her family. They will not let me win. Don’t be like them. Please.
I am a DiabetesDad.
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