
Diabetes Dad: Stop Screaming at Yourself Over an A1C

Someday it will dawn on people, and I’m not sure when or how, that the blood glucose numbers one deals with are not numbers of judgment and if you allow them to be….well then you will have to deal with them.
“OMG….what a horrible number.”
“How did I let that A1C get so high…what kind of parent am I?”
“Just got a bad report, her A1C was 9.0……bot did I get an earful.”


Hear me and hear me loudly——there is a huge difference between a gauge and a report card.  We always and in all ways looked at A1C and other diabetes’ numbers as gauges to help us rectify whatever situation we were in.  We never got worked up about the numbers and I see no reason why that should change especially if there is such an incredible effort to do one’s best.

When an A1C number is high, figure out why it is, and adjust accordingly.  Not with a self-lashing or belittled approach by anyone else (including your Doc).  The number is 9.0 and that seems a bit high.  Why is it high?  What do we need to do to lower it?  Is there anything that can be done differently to lower it?

Nothing more……..nothing less.  A gauge.  Correct and move on.  Period.
’nuff said.
I am a DiabetesDad.
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