
New Free Diabetes Coaching App

Massachusetts-based Quantia Communications has released DailyCoachTM, a fitness coaching app that runs on both iOS and Android and is available free at The app also runs on smart phones and tablets and is available on the Web.

DailyCoachTM, which helps users find engaging ways to increase their exercise, is designed for people who have diabetes or are at risk of acquiring it, as well as for patients with cardiovascular conditions or obesity issues. Short, one- to three-minute segments teach users how to set goals, track progress, and reward themselves. Other segments focus on exercise safety and routines for various settings, such as home, work, and commuting.

The app also includes a weight diary and BMI calculator, a pharmacy and health professional locator, and the ability to fax or email summary reports to a selected physician.

That last feature-easy communication with a physician-was a prime motivator behind the app’s development. “We recently conducted a study of our physician members and found that, on average, they felt patients were only about 30 percent adherent to diet and exercise regimens,” says Michael Paskavitz, Editor-in-Chief of Quantia. “By giving our physicians the ability to share DailyCoach with their patients, as well as get results back from them, we are reducing access barriers between doctor and patient.”

The app, developed with help from diabetes educator Gary Scheiner, MS, CDE, is the latest app on the QuantiaCareTM platform, a set of mobile and online health management, education, and assessment tools. It follows the recent release of EatSmartTM with Hope Warshaw, a diabetes app that provides simple meal planning tips and tricks.

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