Type 2

Living With Type 2 Diabetes: Wearing Medical Alert Bracelets

At one time in America, medical alert bracelets were extremely popular. They were a quick way to alert medical professionals as to whether or not we had a medical condition in the event we were incapacitated and physically unable to do so verbally. While a lot of advancements have come about since the medical alert bracelet, should we still wear one if we have diabetes?

I’ll be the first to admit that I do not wear a medical alert bracelet. Perhaps I should but to me, it brings about too much attention. Even when I was in the military, I did not wear my red medical dog tags because I did not want people to know that I had a “medical condition.” Why? Because of the stigma that is often associated with diabetics. Looking at the situation now, I can see where there may be times when we NEED to let people know that we have diabetes.

Car accidents happen daily and in the case of a bad accident that leaves us unconscious or on the verge of death, you bet that we want to let those around us, particularly the medical personnel, know that we have diabetes. What better way to do this than by wearing a medical alert bracelet? The decision to do surgery or the medications that we are given largely depends on our blood sugar levels. The risk of infection and failure for our bodies to heal are all concerns when you have diabetes.

One thought on “Living With Type 2 Diabetes: Wearing Medical Alert Bracelets

  • Thank you SO much for posting this. I was diagnosed with Type 2 in my thirties… and I never really told anyone. Went to the doctor, took my medicine, tried to eat right… Well, About 2 years ago, my husband and I decided to take our first trip to Europe… when we were getting our passports and everything that goes along with it… We were thinking about my condition. What if something happened? What if I went into a diabetic coma in Spain.. how would the medical professionals know that I’m diabetic? Well, I found a few different types of ID’s. I didn’t like the bracelets. I have a ring I wear on my right hand! I absolutely love it. Again, thank you for posting this… so important!


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