Blood SugarsCarbohydratesDiabetesDietDietingRecipe

From The Sugar Happy Kitchen: My 8.4 Carb Keto Lunch With 44 Grams of Protein

I recently filled out an online Keto diet form asking me how much weight I want to lose, my age and my current weight. The recommendation that came back to loses my weight by August is: 30 grams of Carbohydrates, 72 grams of protein and 111 grams of fat.


I modified the recommendation by adding another 30 carbs, giving me a total of 60 carbohydrates per day. Even if it means a slower weight loss program. I am more likely to succeed with 20 carbohydrate per meal.


According to Marissa Peers, 92% of all diets fail. Why? the emotional companenant over rules the logical brain. Diet is not always about food. It’s the perceived joy we think we will experiencing after eating something we desire.


Whatever your dietary goals are, make sure to check in with your healthcare professional. Balancing food with medication is important to your success. For example, you don’t want to consistently overeat when experiencing a low blood sugar.

Here is an easy and filling recipe I made for myself while starting me Keto diet. Let me know


1/3 Pound of Angus Ground Beef 

3 Romaine lettuce leaf

Carbs- 0 grams

Protein 27.9 grams

Fat 30 grams 



1 Small sweet pepper – 2.5 carbs

Carbs- 2.5 grams

Protein 0 grams

Fat 0 grams 


1/2 Serving of tomato mozzarella- 5.9 carbs

Here is one of my favorite recipes.


Carbs- 5.9 grams

Protein 16.5 grams

Fat 23 grams 

Total carbs are 8.4, protein is 44.4 grams and fats 53 grams.

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