FoodsHealthy Living

Eating Seasonally: 6 Easy Steps to Eat Better

Our ancestors were in tune with the Earth¹s seasons and weather cycles.  They ate what they could hunt, grow, and cook during that season.  But today is a bit different.

With all of the food preservatives, fillers, and sugar put in foods today, we can eat any type we want any time throughout the year.  But eating foods with fillers, preservatives, and other chemicals, is not the most effective way to lose weight and have more energy throughout the day.

Here are six very simple ways you can start eating fresh and healthy foods during each season of the year. 

  1. Change Your Habits:Eating healthily and seasonally comes down to changing habits. Take small steps and choose one new habit each week to implement into your daily life. Once the new habit is ingrained, the new behavior pattern becomes easy and automatic.
  1. Develop an easy plan to follow: Strategic planning is crucial if you want to succeed. Try planning your meals at the beginning of the week. Knowing what you¹ll be eating at least four ­ five days in the week is a good start.
  1. Don¹t overcomplicate things: The excuse for people not cooking is that they don¹t have the time, but the best recipes are often the easiest to make. Try out a new ingredient or a recipe each week to add to your repertoire and stay away from prepared food because it is often high in sodium, sugar, and trans fats. Take a few hours on the weekend to plan your meals according to what is in season and create a shopping list around those items.
  1. Buy Fresh:Check out your local farmer¹s market or support your local green grocer.  Strike up a conversation with the staff and get to know the people behind your food.
  1. Shop Smart: Seek out local food co-ops or produce delivery services with an emphasis on local foods. They are out there and growing in popularity.

Alternatively, you can grow your own produce. This gives you complete control over your food. Plant some balcony herbs, backyard vegetables, or join your local community garden.

  1. Eat Smart:To control what you eat and drink every day and to be able to get out of bed and exercise regularly, as well as getting enough sleep, are the key ingredients if you want to be healthy. Think about what you put into your mouth every time you eat and drink. Is what you¹re consuming making a positive or negative difference to your body?

Cutter is one of Australia¹s leading authorities on healthy cooking and the CEO of The Healthy Chef.  A nutritionist and a classically French-trained chef her natural talent and passion for food was rewarded early in her career winning Apprentice Of The Year two years running, followed by a Gold Medal at the Salon Cullinare. 




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