
Diabetes Tools Dominate Docs’ Top 10 Patient Apps

According to researchers, applications that help patients manage their diabetes are among the top 10 apps doctors suggest to their patients.

Researchers at Medical Economics found that the diabetes management apps Diabetes, iCookbook Diabetic, Diabetes in Check, and Glucose Companion were among the top 10 most often recommended by physicians.

In addition to allowing patients to monitor their condition by tracking their blood sugar, food consumption, and weight, three of the four most popular diabetes-related apps also allow them to create logs of their results to share with their doctors, making it easier for doctors to personalize their care.

According to researchers, the most recommended app is iTriage, an iPhone app that allows patients to check their symptoms and locate a physician or hospital quickly in the event of an emergency. It was followed by the four diabetes apps:

Diabetes. This app allows patients to track blood sugar and carb intake while allowing physicians to monitor fluctuations.

iCookbook Diabetic. This application offers diabetic-friendly recipes and nutrition information along with health-related articles aimed at those with diabetes. It was developed by dietitians and also offers meal planning and grocery shopping tips.

Diabetes in Check. This app is aimed at those with type 2 and serves as a digital coach, pooling advice from diabetes educators on eating, exercise, and lowering blood sugar. It also offers an array of tools including barcode scanners to help make smarter choices when shopping.

Glucose Companion. This app allows patients to track blood sugar readings and weight, making it easier to log results and prep for upcoming doctors’ appointments.

The remaining five apps include Blood Pressure Monitor, HeartWise Blood Pressure Tracker, Mayo Clinic Health Community, Tummy Trends: Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Tracker, and iCalcRisk, an app that calculates the risk of cardiovascular disease and offers tips to control blood pressure and lower risk of heart attack.

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