
Diabetes Health in The News: Diabetes Leads to Worse Prognosis with ACS

According to a new study, for patients living with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), diabetes leads to a worse prognosis for one-year mortality. This research was completed by physicians from Switzerland’s Berm University Hospital, and it involved a review of pooled data from 16,600 patients. This data included nearly 9,500 patients with ACS, about 20% of whom had diabetes. The researchers examined the early, late, and overall adverse events these patients experienced.

The study found that the all-cause mortality risk at one year was 13.4% for diabetics with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. This risk was 10.3% for diabetic patients with non-ST-segment elevation ACS.

These findings were published in the American Journal of Cardiology on July 20, 2016.



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