A1cBlood SugarDietExerciseInsulinInsulin PumpType 1

Diabetes Health Type 1: My Key to Success

By Claire Lynch


Fonda Bowles is super careful about what she eats. Hospitalized at age 20 for diabetic ketoacidosis during her fifth month of pregnancy, Fonda was diagnosed as Type 1. Doctors said her A1C was 8.6.


“My doctor prescribed Novolin R&N, an intermediate-acting and short-acting insulin that works well for me,” Fonda says. “Insulin pumps aren’t part of my routine because most devices are too expensive. I manage my Type 1 as best I can by checking my sugars often, maintaining a low-carbohydrate diet and seeing my doctor regularly.”


Now 28, Fonda notes that her A1C is much lower because she is diligent about her diet, medication and exercise plus watching her stress levels. Mealtime is family time at Fonda’s house. They usually have eggs, yogurt and maybe some toast for breakfast.


“Lunch is often a salad, quesadilla or sandwiches,” she explains. “We don’t eat any red meat, so dinner is either chicken or meat free. I try to only have one major carb, so no pasta and potatoes or bread. We eat a lot of green beans, squash and side salads with dinner. Fresh foods are the best foods for my growing family and for me.”


The mother of two young children, Fonda is a lifelong Georgia resident. She co-owns a drone services business with her husband, Codey, and also runs an online marketing business from her home.


In their free time the Bowles family enjoys flying their drones for fun. They also like walking along the Phenix City Riverwalk on the western bank of the Chattahoochee River. “It’s a 1.21-mile span that is so pretty,” Fonda says. “We like exploring new places – discovering old buildings, different creeks – all sorts of things!


“Whenever the opportunity comes up to talk about diabetes with family, friends and acquaintances I do so because maybe it will help someone. Spreading awareness about diabetes is a priority to me. We still have a ways to go to ensure that all diabetics have equal, affordable access to care.”


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