Diabetes Health in The News: Junk Food Restrictions Could Lead to Healthier Eating
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A new study has found that restricting sugar-sweetened treat and soda purchases could improve American diets, and it is believed that these results could benefit people on government-funded food programs.
Over a 12-week trial period, a food assistance program was created for low-income adults. Participants were divided into four groups – some received restrictions on sugary food and drink purchases, while others received a 30% discount on vegetable and fruit purchases.
Researchers from the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center found that when these restrictions were put into place, consumers bought fewer high-sugar beverages, candy, and baked goods, while they purchased more fruit. It is thought that these types of changes should be made to the government-funded Supplement Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) in order to improve eating habits and overall health.