Diabetes Dad: What a Super Hero Looks Like
I LOVE THIS PHOTO. Some pictures need no captions and if ever there was a photo of a fearless child…….this is it. Let me introduce you to Helen, a 5 year-old from Texas who loves to dance and was diagnosed just over a year ago. The photo was taken by Ivy Reyes, a friend of the family and a professional photographer (Ivyreyesphotography.com). Helen wanted to show off her Dexcom and her Omnipod between performances of her dance recital. They help her live her life to the fullest. This is not a commercial for them and any management tools that help our kids fight this monster successfully…….are the tools needed……….just as all Super Hero would need.
Take THAT diabetes!
There was a sculpture made a few years ago entitled “Fearless Girl” which I wrote about once, talk about life imitating art. Time and time again I have written that not all super heroes wear capes, Helen fits this description 1000%. When I spoke to Trena, Helen’s mom, she informed me that the look in this photo of Helen’s “here I am and I am not afraid of you”, is exactly how Helen takes on life each and every day. Playing t-ball, running, playing outside, playing with her big brother, and playing with her dad at his fire house are just some of the ways this young lady ‘takes on her diabetes’ and allows it to stop her……..from nothing.
So many times we read about the singer or sports player or professional ‘whatever’ who continues life while dealing with their diabetes. Little Helen sends a message as well, and as loud, and as clear, as the one who takes the snap of a football on any Sunday in the NFL. “Diabetes is what I have and not who I am”.
Helen is just as much a hero as anyone else who lives with this disease day in and day out and allows diabetes to stop them……from nothing. With dad a fireman, and mom a nurse; Helen has had much training in her young life what a hero looks like, and on this day she clearly, and undeniably,…….shows us.
I am a diabetes dad.
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