Ask Nadia – Question About OmniPod
Dear MC,
I asked the makers of OminPod your questions directly.
They have given us a detailed response with action you can take to help influence legislation on approving coverage for their device.
Keep us posted on your process.
Wishing you the best in your health efforts,
Question- What type of insulin could be used in the OmniPod? I presently use Lantus and the Humalog Pen. My son has the Omni pod & uses Novolog.
Answer- The OmniPod System is designed to use rapid-acting U-100 insulin. The following U-100 rapid acting insulin analogs have been tested and found to be safe for use in the Pod: Novolog®/NovoRapid®, Humalog®, or Apida®. Novolog® is compatible with the OmniPod System for use up to 72 hours (3 days). Before using a different insulin with the OmniPod System, check the insulin drug label to make sure it can be used with a pump. Refer to the insulin labeling and follow your healthcare provider’s directions for how often to replace the Pod.
Question- Are the pods expensive?
Answer- The cost to the patient is largely dependent on your insurance provider, deductible levels, and copayment requirement. Please call us at 800.591.3455 to discuss your individual situation with our team.
Question- Are they covered by Medicare as a DME or would be under RX?
Answer- Though most or all private insurers consider OmniPod a medically necessary benefit, at this time Medicare does not consider OmniPod durable medical equipment and as such does not provide coverage for the system. Insulet is working to ensure Medicare beneficiaries have coverage and access to OmniPod.
Patients who are interested in contributing to this effort to increase coverage and access to OmniPod can learn how to do so by following this call to action:
Go to
- Download a sample patient letter and include your story. Send to your local representative and senators (lookup tools provided on site)
- Send the letter to Insulet – they are in touch with ley legislators and can ensure your letter does not get buried in the large numbers of constituent communications that come in daily.
- Tell your story – download the HIPAA from the site, complete and send to Insulet and they will reach out to you with next steps for sharing your story with a larger audience.
Seattle WA
Ask Nadia and you will receive her unique perspective on your question. She will also represent you when asking manufacturers about their device.
Nadia’s new column will appear regularly in Diabetes Health magazine, newsletters, and on our website